Real Ludo:
Ludo is an all new fascinating online ludo game where you can earn real money
by competing against real players, in real tournaments. The online version of the
board game allows users to play with their friends and family from the comfort of their
homes. Be it playing with friends or be it playing with family whom you haven't seen in
quite some time, Real11 Ludo keeps us connected.
The game is loaded with incredible twists and distinctive features that will enhance your
ludo playing experience to a whole new level. Play against real opponents or alongside
friends/family and earn exciting cash rewards.
How to play?
- Tap to roll the dice
- Rolling a six on the dice enters a token into play
- Tokens move across the board as per the number on dice
- Tap a token to select it to move when given the option
- If only token is in play, it will move automatically
Playing rules and instructions for Real11 Ludo :
Ludo is unarguably the most popular board game in India. It is considered as a revamped
version of an Indian ancient game, Pacheesi. The strategy- based indoor game can be/is
played by people of all age groups. Unlike other online ludo games, Real11 Ludo is head
shoulders above the others. It is unique in its own way and that is why in all
likelihood it
is one of the best games in the online ludo space. Not yet played the game? Start your
journey today and stand a chance to bag thrilling cash prizes. Read the following rules
instructions carefully before playing Real11 Ludo.
Points to Remember
- Each player takes turns to move tokens in a clockwise order.
- Each player is assigned 5 chances to make their move. In case the player fails to
their token/ tokens within these 5 consecutive chances then he/she is disqualified
the game.
- A player must throw a 6 on dice to move a token from the starting circle onto the
square on the track.
- In the event of a tie i.e. when all users have the same rank- the contest will be
cancelled and the amount will be refunded.
- Minimum 2 players contest & maximum 4 players contest.
- Contest amount will not be deducted until an opponent is found in the game.
- The maximum opponent wait time is 60 seconds.
Tips and Tricks for playing Real11 Ludo
Open all your tokens:
The first and foremost thing that you
need to keep in mind is to open all the tokens as soon as you get the chance. Let
token come out from base as soon as you get a six. If you only focus on one or two
tokens, you will have lesser chances in future which may result in your loss.
Move all tokens:
Always make sure you move all tokens
equally and try spreading your token everywhere around the board to win the game.
keep your tokens away from your opponents to avoid getting cut
Kill the token:
While playing Real11 Ludo, your emphasis
should not only be on getting the tokens home but also on chasing the opponent and
killing their token.
Block your opponent:
Blocking an opponent's token is also an
important move. Be cautious when your token is close to entering the home as your
opponent may be keeping a close eye on your token. Move your token wisely and also
your opponent by chasing their token
Avoid taking risks:
You should avoid moving tokens that are
already in a safe position. Try to disperse your tokens all across the board and
them carefully. Move the token which is at a lesser risk of getting cut by an
- This game can be played among 2, 3 or 4 players.
- The game will not start until and unless all the players are in.
- Each player will randomly be assigned one of the four available colours they
play as.
- Each player is assigned a base and four tokens of the colour they picked.
- The objective of the game is to get all the 4 tokens safely from the base,
the board all the way to the Home square.
- The game begins with each one taking turns to roll the dice.
- Token can only come out of the base when a player rolls a six. Rolling a six
also earn the player an additional turn to roll the dice.
- If a player has more than one token in play, he/she can choose which token they
to move.
- If a player's token lands on a square occupied by an opponent, in that case the
player captures the opponent's token. The captured token is sent back to the
It also earns the player an additional roll of dice.
- Landing token in the home square will also earn a player an extra turn to roll
- If two tokens of the same colour lands on the same square, they will be safe
getting captured or killed by an opponent token. The opponent token can cross or
land in this square.
- All squares with stars are safe spaces. A token resting on it cannot be captured
sent back.
- The player who first gets all his/her tokens from their base up to the home will
the winner of the game.
- Winner is announced after the conclusion of the contest.
Solitaire :
The game of solitaire is not only for the mind but also for the heart. It induces nostalgia
and reminds you of the time when you used to play the game for hours. This tactic based game
has now become even more exhilarating. You can now play solitaire with your friends and bag
loads of cash prizes. Real11 Solitaire has transformed the online card gaming industry by
developing the most fun and exciting card game you can play on your mobile phone.
We allow you to play solitaire with your friends for real money and win fascinating cash
rewards by showcasing your solitaire skills. Traditionally, it has been a single-player game
but with Real11 solitaire you can play with other players and compete with solitaire fans
from across the nation.
The overall objective of this game is to move all cards from the tableau column to
foundations, arranged by suit and in ascending order from ace to king, in the shortest
period of time and within the time limit of 5 minutes
In order to understand the objective of the game, you will need to know and understand the
type of card piles in the game. It has the following pile of cards:
Foundation Piles:There are four foundations for four suits of cards. They are
empty spaces where you need to move cards from the 7 tableau columns below them. You
start assembling foundation piles by placing aces and then the other cards on
foundations in ascending order.
Tableau ColumnsThe 7 columns positioned below the foundations are called Tableau
Columns. These columns increase in size from left to right, and the number of cards in
each pile is the same as the number of columns from left to right. This means the first
column comprises one card; the second column has two cards and so on.
StockpileThe cards that are left after setting up the tableau column form a
stockpile. You can use cards from the stockpile and use in the game.
Waste Pile
The cards from the stockpile that are not shifted/moved to the tableau
column or foundations remain placed face up in the Waste Pile.
In this game, the card set up includes 7 card piles (tableau columns), numbered from 1 to 7.
The tableau size increases from left to right, and the number of cards in each pile is the
same as the number of columns. This means the first column comprises one card; the second
column has two cards and so on. So, the first seven cards occupy the seven columns of the
tableau. The eighth card distributed goes into the second column because the first column
already has been balanced. Once the tableau is arranged, the cards form a reverse staircase
starting from the right. The top card on each of these piles are placed face up, and the
cards below these are face down. The remaining cards are kept face down in the stockpile.
The waste and the foundations start without any cards on them.
Above the tableau column, there are spaces or foundations for foundation piles. These
foundations are for arranging all cards in ascending order from ace to king. Only the face
up cards can be moved to the foundations, and each foundation pile must start/begin with an
The rules of this game are simple and easy to comprehend, which is one of the various reasons
behind its immense popularity:
- You can move a card from one tableau column and put it on another card in the other
column only if the card is of a different colour and is being placed on a card which is
one number greater in rank. For instance: 3 of hearts and 3 of diamonds can only be
placed on 4 of spades or the 4 of clubs.
- If a tableau column has an empty space, only a king can be moved there to start a new
- Cards from the stockpile can be moved into the tableau columns if no more moves can be
- You can only move an ace to an empty foundation pile.
- The game is finished if no moves can be made or time is up. However, you can still win
the game even if you haven't moved all the cards from tableau to foundations if your
opponent scores fewer points than you in the game.
How to Play
Points to Remember
- Blank space can only be occupied by kings.
- Place all cards to the foundation deck within time.
- You can only move an ace to an empty foundation pile.
- Face down cards are usually the hardest to handle and offer low mobility. So, try to
handle them first.
- At the end of the game, the player with the maximum points wins the game.
Tipe and Tricks for playing Real11 Solitaire
Learn the Rules by heart:Before playing any game, you should
know its rules by the back of your hand. Solitaire demands decisive thinking and
pinpoint precision. If you completely understand the rules, regulations and all the
standard norms of solitaire, only then you can ace this strategy based game.
Don't be afraid to switch strategy:Solitaire is the only
game where you cannot expect results just by sticking to a particular strategy. If a
specific game plan works for you then well and good but it doesn't then try different
experimentations and combinations. Don't be afraid of making bold decisions.
Think about colour when filling spaces:You should be wise
when filling the spaces. Note that the King's color determines the color order of that
pile until you finish the game. Carefully analyze the cards you have first to ensure
that you won't get stuck when stacking piles. Additionally, you should maintain the
right order.
Evenly distribute Tableau Piles:A typical mistake many
players make is trying to complete a single pile. If you have a choice to maintain two
piles with four piles and combine them to make a single pile of 8, leave them separate
if you're not going to reveal a downcard.
- The cards are moved in descending order, under different coloured cards.
- The game will not begin until all players are in.
- The goal is to move all cards to foundation deck, starting from Ace till King.
- If you are out of moves (no more possible moves), draw out new cards from the
stockpile by tapping on it.
- You can draw the card to a preferable position in the tableau or to the foundation
- Try to arrange/place all the cards to the foundation deck before the timer ends.
- Player with the highest score wins the match.
The traditional board game of carrom is one of the most loved leisure games in South East
Asia, particularly in India. The game rules keep varying occasionally even after the
existence of an international and several national regulatory bodies. They also hold
tournaments from now and then.
Now, you have the luxury to relive the childhood days and play carrom online on Real11. This
allows players to enjoy the game at the comfort of your home without setting up the
necessary infrastructure (striker, carrom board, coins). It also provides you with the
chance to compete with others and win exciting cash prizes during the process.
Comprehending the board
In the standard form of carrom, the carrom board is a squared plywood with four holes in it's
four corners. The four sides have baselines , which constitutes the striking area for
players. Then there is a central area with two concentric circles where the coins are
arranged. The game comprises a minimum of two players who sit opposite to each other.
At professional level the game is played mostly between two opponents, with a queen coin
positioned in the centre of the board, surrounded by six pieces forming a circle. Each of
these carrom men touches the Queen and the carrom men next to them in a manner that every
outer piece is in contact with the inner circle.
The coloured carrom men in the two circles should be alternative. The two circles are formed
in a particular way in which two white pieces from the outer and inner circle form a
straight line directing to a side of the board where the player sits and makes the break.
With an online carrom app like Real11, you need not worry about getting this formation right
since it is automatically available to you once you start the game.
Carrom Men, Their Arrangement & Points System
There are nine black and white coins each in the game of carrom. It comprises one red coin,
which is called the Queen. The arrangement of carrom men remains the same every time you
start a new game. The 19 coins (nine each of black & white, and one Queen) will all be
arranged – in the larger centre circle – in such a manner that the Queen is placed in the
middle with the other coins placed around forming an alternate arrangement.
The player has to pocket all the allocated carrom men (either all the black pieces or all the
white pieces) and then pocket the Queen, followed by the final piece for cover in
professional matches. If it's a amatuer match, you will need to score higher than your
opponent until no coins are left on the board.
A player loses if his pocketed pieces are of lesser point value than his/her opponent
According to the standard carrom laws for freestyle gameplay, a black carrom piece will
yield 10 points, a white carrom piece gives 20 points, and with the red coin (Queen), you
get 50 points.
You can pocket the queen piece any time after sinking your first piece, but it has to be sunk
before your final one. After you pocket the Queen, you must sink one of your carrom men,
thus 'covering' it, into any pocket in the following shot, or return her to the centre
circle if the player fails. After covering the Queen, whoever clears all their carrom men
first wins the board.
The Striker's Role, Strength and Positioning
The striker is circular and a tad larger than the other pieces on board. It is used to propel
coins into corner pockets. After every strike, the player must position the striker inside
the baseline (two straight lines in a rectangular fashion) or on either of the two circles
at the ends of the baseline.
A striker must be positioned between the two lines, i.e. it must touch both the front and
rear line. For seamless movement, chalk dust is applied on an actual physical carrom board.
However, that doesn't apply to an online game.
The striker should not be partially placed between the baseline and circle, i.e., it
shouldn't cut the moon. The player has to flick the striker with one finger to traverse the
front baseline Horizontal or backward flick is forbidden .
The striker must not hit a piece on or behind the front baseline until it has crossed the
front baseline. Also, while striking, the player's arm must not cross the diagonal foul
lines at either end of the baseline. For better understanding, the foul lines run along the
diagonals. This, however, may not apply to online carrom.
Points to Remember
- Each player receives a chance to strike carrom men with striker into one of the corner
- The player must pot all their respective carrom men (either white or black).
- Every time a player pockets the assigned coin, he/she earns another turn to play.
- A player requires to pot a coin as cover upon pocketing the queen.
- In case a player fails to cover the queen, it will be placed back at the centre of the
- If a player pockets a piece and commits foul at the same time then he/she gains no
points for that piece while that piece returns back to play.
Tips and Tricks for playing Real11 Carrom
Use the right speed and direction to strike:
Striker plays a
pivotal role in carrom. It is your only weapon at disposal to dictate the game. It is
used to drive the carrom men and pot them in the corner pockets. So, right speed and
direction is very essential during the game.
Right Angles result in favourable results:
You just cannot
pocket all coins with a normal straight shot. At times you will need to strike the coin
on a particular angle to pot it in the desired pocket.
Break shots set the tempo of the game:
Break shot is the
first shot of the game. It aims to disperse all pieces on the carrom board, away from
the centre.
Shots can help you win the game:
Accurate shots combined
with quick decision making prowess is the recipe for success in this game.
- This game can be played between 2 players.
- The game will not begin until all players are in.
- The objective of the game is to pocket all carrom men before your opponent (either
all black or white).
- Slide the striker to either side of the space available below (refer to the image).
- Drag and release to drive the striker.
- Steer carrom men (either black or white) using the striker.
- Queen accords 50 points, Black carrom men yields 10 points whereas the white piece
gives 20 points.
- Pot each carrom men to any of the four corner pockets.
- Player who gains 160 points first wins the match.
Bubble Shooter:
Another arcade game has been added to the Real11 server as many of our registered users
wanted to play Bubble Shooter on our platform. You can win loads of cash by bursting the
most number of bubbles in a limited time. You have to aim at the right bubble and shoot to
collect the points. The more the points, the better is your chance to win the contest.
Originated first in 1994, this game became extremely popular when there was a telecom
revolution in the country. Previously, it was extremely popular among the kids but now
people above 18 years are also showing massive interest in this game. This is the 10th year
of the game's existence in android devices and 12th year in iOS. Thus, people are playing
this game for more than 10 years on their device and with the opportunity to earn loads of
money from it; we expect the game to be more popular from day to day.
We are proud to introduce the game on our platform and to our users who need help to
understand the game; here we are with everything you need to know before playing Bubble
Rules and Regulation
- Drag the bubbles and aim it to collect all the points.
- At least three bubbles needs to be present to collect the points.
If you fail to match the colour of the bubble, the bubble will get added.
- If you are making a same mistake over and over again you get an extra line of bubbles
- You can either win or lose in this game, there are no draws.
Rules and Regulation
- Each player receives a chance to strike carrom men with striker into one of the corner
- The player must pot all their respective carrom men (either white or black).
- Every time a player pockets the assigned coin, he/she earns another turn to play.
- A player requires to pot a coin as cover upon pocketing the queen.
- In case a player fails to cover the queen, it will be placed back at the centre of the
- If a player pockets a piece and commits foul at the same time then he/she gains no
points for that piece while that piece returns back to play.
Tips and Tricks for playing Real11 Bubble Shooter
The Bank shot:When there's no hope to hit a bubble you
desire, you can always bend it like Beckham. Well, not technically though. Try to hit it
in the wall and it will help you to deflect the bubble and if you are skillful enough,
it may get you to your desired bubble.
Change the colour of the bubble:You can change the colour of
the bubble by dragging the bubble that's present underneath the top one. It will help
you to match your target if you don't have the right colour bubble.
Plan ahead:
Always plan ahead. Think about your next move
and how well you will place your bubbles in case you can't hit your desired target. This
is a very important move in order to burst all the bubbles.
Points to Remember
Each game is of 2 minutes:
You will have 2 minutes of
time to burst as many bubbles as possible. The more bubbles you burst, the more
points you will be scoring.
Target bubbles of similar color :
The bubbles you want
to burst should be of similar color to the bubble you are throwing. Otherwise, the
number of bubbles will keep on increasing.
Reflect on the surface :
You don't have to hit the
bubbles directly, you can deflect it from a surface to burst.
Surprise Surprise:
You will get surprise bombs in the
middle to destroy majority of the bubbles.
3 at a time:
At least three bubbles need to be present
to burst all of them. Otherwise the bubbles will keep on increasing.
Next round:
After bursting all the bubbles in the
limited time, you can move to the next round to increase your point.
Mini Snakes and Ladders: is a compelling online transformation of the
classic board game with some amazing twists! Dive into the world of strategy, luck,
and excitement as you race against a competitor to garage your tokens on the '36th'
or 'final' tile.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to play:
How to play?
Sign in to your Real11 account.
Navigate to the Games section.
Click on the 'Mini Snakes and Ladders' icon.
Join a cash contest and let the platform match you with a random opponent.
Each contest is played between two players.
You start with two tokens (need a 'one' or 'six' on the dice to unlock), each
representing you on the virtual board.
The square board consists of 36 numbered tiles with ladders and snakes on
some of them.
Snakes denote a negative action, as a token falling into the tile with a
snake head is subjected to slide down until it descends to the tail.
On the other side, a ladder denotes a positive move. Landing on the lower
portion of a ladder tile boosts your progress, allowing you to climb higher
on the board to the top of the ladder.
It is a turn-based game. Either of the players take turns to roll the dice
and move their respective tokens.
Token capture by the opponent is not allowed in the game.
For Eg:
If your opponent's token lands on the same tile as yours, then the opponent
cannot capture your token, and both will stay on the same time until the
next turn.
Each turn has a strict 10-second timer, so the user has to
keep in mind his pace of decision-making.
A player who makes good judgements of their moves, utilises the special
features of the board and collects maximum points at the end to win.
Points to Remember
- It is a head-to-head contest.
- A user cannot cut his/her opponent's token.
- If a user unlocks a token by rolling a 'six' then he/she will not
given a bonus chance.
- If a user misses a total of three turns in a game, then the game
will be ended and the result will be declared in the favour of the
** After joining the contest, exiting in the middle of the game will result
in the loss of your money.
So plunge deep into the world of Real11, Enjoy Mini Snakes and Ladders,
combine strategy with luck and relish the rapid-paced, competitive game. May
the best player triumph!
Master Ludo:
is an all new fascinating online ludo game where you can earn real money by
competing against real players, in real tournaments. The online version of the
classic board game allows users to play with their friends
and family from the comfort of their homes. Be it playing with friends or be it
playing with family whom you haven't seen in quite some time, Real11 Master Ludo
keeps us connected.The game is loaded with incredible twists and distinctive
features that will enhance your ludo playing experience to a whole new level. Play
against real opponents or alongside your friends/family and earn exciting cash
The user would be responsible in the case of any network connectivity
-A room is created inside every 2 minute once a user joins a contest. The
user is then randomly assigned to a room where they are paired with their
-In the event of network connectivity issue or a user forcefully killing the
game, Real11 would not be responsible for any refund.
Users will receive a refund after 30 minutes if the Ludo contest gets
How to play?
- Tap to roll the dice.
- All tokens of each player are by default unlocked.
- Tokens move across the board as per the number on dice.
- Tap on a token in order to move it when given the option.
- If only token is in play, it will move automatically.
Playing rules & instructions for Master Ludo :
- Ludo is unarguably the most popular board game in India. It is
considered as a revamped version of an the ancient Indian, Pacheesi.
The startery- based indoor game can be/is played by people of all
age groups. Unlike other online ludo games, Real11 Master Ludo is
head and shoulders above the others. It is unique in its own way and
that is why in all likelihood it is one of the best games in the
online ludo space. Not yet played the game? Start your journey today
and stand a chance to bag thrilling cash prizes. Read the following
rules and instructions carefully before playing Real11 Master Ludo.
Points to Remember
- Each player takes turns to move tokens in a clockwise order.
- Each player is assigned 3 chances to make their move. In case
the player fails to move their token/ tokens within these 3
consecutive chances then he/she is disqualified from the game.
- In the event of a tie i.e. when all users have the same rank-
the contest will be cancelled and the amount will be refunded.
- Minimum 2 players contest.
- Contest amount will not be deducted until an opponent is found
in the game.
- The maximum opponent wait time is 60 seconds.
This game can be played among 2, 3 or 4 players.
The game will not start until and unless all the players are in.
Each player will randomly be assigned one of the four available
colours they will play as.
Each player is assigned a base and four tokens of the colour they
The objective of the game is to get all the 4 tokens safely from the
base, across the board all the way to the Home square.
The game begins with each one taking turns to roll the dice.
Rolling a six will also earn the player an additional turn to roll
the dice.
If a player has more than one token in play, he/she can choose which
token they want to move.
If a player's token lands on a square occupied by an opponent, in
that case the player captures the opponent's token. The captured
token is sent back to the base. It also earns the player an
additional roll of dice.
Landing token in the home square will also earn a player an extra
turn to roll the dice.
If two tokens of the same colour lands on the same square, they will
be safe from getting captured or killed by an opponent token.
Although, the opponent token can cross or land in this square.
All squares with stars are safe spaces. A token resting on it cannot
be captured or sent back.
The player who first gets all his/her tokens from their base up to
the home will be the winner of the game.
Winner is announced after the conclusion of the contest.
Rocket Skill is an exciting and engaging game available on the Real11 app that
provides an
exhilarating gaming experience with the potential for substantial rewards. By
carefully analysing
the available information, making strategic decisions, and timing your cash outs
wisely, you can
maximise your chances of winning in this thrilling game.
Now, gear up, invest your funds, and enjoy the excitement of Rocket Skill.
To illustrate, let's say a player has placed a ₹1000 has invested:
- He\she decides to cash out at 3.75x. In this case, the winnings would amount
to ₹1000 multiplied
3.75, resulting in ₹3750.00
- Now suppose the plane crashes at 4.25x and the player has not yet cashed out
till then, so he\she will lose the ₹1000 invested amount.
To begin playing Rocket Skill, one can choose from three game modes:
Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced (Each mode offers different multipliers and
crash risks).
For example,
- In the Beginner mode, there is a 2% crash risk at a 1.00x multiplier.
- In the Intermediate mode, the crash risk increases to 4% at a 1.00x
- In the Advanced mode, it rises to 6% at a 1.00x multiplier.
As the modes progress, the multipliers increase, ranging from 10.00x in Beginner
mode to 20.00x in Intermediate mode and 30.00x in Advanced mode. The ultimate
goal remains the same across all modes: “Cash out before the rocket crashes.”
- Go to the 'Games' section
- Tap on the 'Rocket Skill' icon.
- Join the available contests as per your preference
- Once you've entered the game room, you'll need to place your stake
before the flight takes off.
- Adjust your bet size by tapping on the '-' or '+' signs located at
the bottom left of the screen, allowing you to increase or decrease
your wager according to your preference.
As the flight takes off, the multiplier increases accordingly with the
height of the rocket.
- Tap on the 'Cash Out' icon located at the bottom right of the screen
when you are ready to cash out and secure your earnings.
Points to Remember
The objective of Rocket Skill is straightforward:
- Before investing in a round, observe the room settings, flight history, and
past crash averages. This information will provide valuable insights to help
you analyse and predict the optimal time to put in your money.
- Keep a close eye on the multiplier as it continues to rise.
- To secure your winnings, utilise the available information and cash out
before the rocket
- Players must place a bet before the rocket takes off, and they must decide
the optimal moment to
cash out before the rocket crashes.
- Timing is crucial, as cashing out before the crash allows players to win
based on multipliers.
- However, if you fail to cash out in time and the rocket crashes, you lose
the entire invested amount.
- It is recommended that one should analyse the available information and
recent crash patterns to
make informed decisions about when to cash out and maximise potential