
Ranatunga to lead interim committee that will oversee SLC affairs

By Real11 - Nov 6 2023 376 Views

                                  Arjuna Ranatunga led interim committee to handle SLC affairs

Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs has appointed an interim committee, chaired by former Sri Lanka skipper Arjuna Ranatunga to be at the helm after the executive committee was suspended over allegations of corruption, misconduct  and dereliction of duties and responsibilities. 

Besides handling the operations of SLC, the Sports Minister, Roshan Ranasighe has also nominated an interim committee to escort an independent and transparent investigation regarding the alleged irregularities and present a detailed report. The committee is authorised to become active and implement the recommendations stated in a special audit report issued on September 11, 2023 by the Auditor General. 

The committee will also have the onus to propose recommendations and organise the administration in an attempt to prevent the recurrence of mismanagement. 

The seven member committee, led by Ranataunga, also comprises S. I. Imam (Retired Supreme Court Judge), Rohini Marasinghe (Retired Supreme Court Judge), Irangani Perera (Retired High Court Judge), Upali Dharmadasa (former SLC president), Rakitha Rajapakshe (Attorney-at-Law) and Hisham Jamaldeen.

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